August 20, 2011

Ponaaaat den!

and here is me again! yeah yeah its me, Nur Amanina Syafiqah Md Yusuff! who else??! Haha. and I'm just having such a tiring day today! Shooopping such a life for me, but hell yeah sometimes it can be annoying and pissed me off in the certain of situation. Nahh forget it lah! yg penting aku dah dpt apa yg aku nak, mak aku dah dpt apa yg dia nak, adik-adik aku dah dpt apa yg dorg nak, just that as usual lah bapak aku lah the last person yg akn dpt apa yg dia nak even dia pelabur utama dalam kes musim-2 raya ni ;p Kesiaan abah, btw thnks a lot eh abah :D Alhamdulillah ada rezeki kita orang sefamily tahun ni. Kira raya sakan lah jgk haha. Okay semua dah siap so tinggal tgu nak raya jelah kan ;p hahaha. Ni ada story sikit, time pegi jln tar aku tertarik kat ayat satu brotha ni time dia lelong barang dia! ayat dia mcm ni :- "Mari mari mari! Beli beli beli! abang bayar abang bayar! abang tak bayar, abang kedeKUT!" hahaha, sumpah kelaka dengar! dah lah dia record so benda tu dok ulang and ulang lah like shit je do, bpak aku dgr panaaas je telinga dia! hahaha ;D

btw, I'm so thankful to Him for all the rezeki that He gave to kita orang sefamily. Alhamdulillah~

and and..
ni ada satu benda aku nak kongsi, class mate aku yg post kat Fb.

Di suatu pagi yg buta (sahur daaa)...

mak : basri bangun basri..makan sahur nie...

basri : masih menarik selimut & bertanye pada mak nye..''MAK BUAT HO..HO...HOLICK ERK ???..''

Mak : HO...HO...HOTAK engkau...bangun cepatttt..!!!!..
 by Muhd Aizul (si Sepet ;p) 
tak tahu ah dari mana dia dpt benda ni, tapi Aizul, for the 1st time, ini KELAKAR! hahaha. aku cita kt family aku, satu family gelak sakan hahaha!

nak cakap pasal LOVE

When I see your smile,
Tears run down my face
I can't replace.
And now that I'm strong I have figured out,
How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul.
And I know I'll find deep inside me,
I can be the one.
I will never let you fall.
I'll stand up for you forever.
I'll be there for you through it all.
Even if saving you sends me to Heaven.
It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
And seasons are changing,
And waves are crashing,
And stars are falling all for us.
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter,
I can show you I'll be the one.
I will never let you fall.
I'll stand up for you forever.
I'll be there for you through it all.
Even if saving you sends me to Heaven.
'Cause you're my, you're my, my
My true love, my whole heart.
Please don't throw that away.
'Cause I'm here for you.
Please don't walk away and,
Please tell me you'll stay.

Use me as you will
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be okay,
Though my skies are turning gray

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up for you forever
I'll be there for you through it all,
Even if saving you sends me to Heaven

I will never let you fall.
I'll stand up with you forever.
I'll be there for you through it all,
Even if saving you sends me to Heaven.

August 17, 2011


hyeeeeeeee bloggers and readers and stalkers ;) i miss blogging. hehe. currently, me and my classmates(yg tak seberapa org banyaknya ni) are hearing bebel-2 from Mrs.Nazirah Adam kita ni. me? sibuk online and blogging lah sampai nak termuntah ni ha. hehe. i dont know why but i feel energetic today maklumlah org A.B.C kan haha. But sometimes i feel like it's just the waste of time of having period on this Barakah month. In the blink of an eye, it soon Raya dah. and Ramadhan? leave us just like that? and are we sure is there Ramadhan for the next years? hmm i'vee been so afraid and phatetic for thinking that all. Hm okaaay lah got to go ni go to 'prison' back! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and Assalamualaikum! :)