August 29, 2011

Nina wishes Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri


The time has passed so fast and here we are again, at the end of Ramadhan and near the beginning of Syawal. The fasting month, a month of contemplation, redemption and full of holiness will soon come to an end. 

Ramadhan this year was quite fleeting. Great though, because this year I got new experience that most of my fasting time be passed at the hostel with other hostelians, unlike the last 3 years. 
As I'm only human, during the month, there were days when tempers flared, words spoken that shouldn't have been spoken, and acts done that shouldn't have been done. So for a bit, I'm not a good muslim yet. 

To all my friends, schoolmates, classmates, dormmates, ex-classmates and acquaintances, to my blogger friends and lovely readers, skypers and facebookers, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri


Gazillion thanks to all of you, especially to my family; super dad, lovely mum, crazy brother, glam sister, naughty nephews and sweet're the only ones I've got. I love you with all my heart. I wish this Syawal will bring harmony to us. Harmony is forgiving, understanding, appreciating, respecting and acknowledging..and loving. ^^
In the spirit of the season, I offer my sincere apologies to you for any wrong that I've done during the previous months before Syawal this year. I hope that you would see me as a mere mortal with a lot of failings and weaknesses. It has been a quite difficult year. A really difficult one. 
Yeah maybe you didn't notice it because I rarely write about my sad situations. I rather keep it to myself.
And I hope that after raya, things will pick up I'll return to school and hostel.

Lawaaaaaaaaaa tak? Hahaha. Well I don't have much effort to ask Mr Google for a Raya picture and all that stuff so I made it myself using Mr Paint! hehe :p btw thanks Mr Paint! :D

 Let the spirit of raya show us the way to forgiveness and respect, to allow harmony to return to our lives.
So, again, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Maaf Zahir Batin. I love you. ^^

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