December 30, 2010




December 27, 2010


kata abah,
KAWAN tu umpama bunga ros,
dipandang cantik dipegang sakit.....

kata atuk,
KAWAN tu seperti air,
terus mengalir.....

kata nenek,
KAWAN tu bak bulan,
dipuja dan disanjung tp nun jauh di

kate sedare,
KAWAN tu mcm makanan,
kawan makan kawan!!

kata abang,
KAWAN tu seperti lembu
mengikut saje ape dikata........

kata kakak,
KAWAN tu tak ubah macam durian
bau je busuk tp sedap dimakan....

kata adik,
KAWAN tu macam biskut
sekejap ade sekejap takde.......

kata aku,
KAWAN tu tak kisahlah camner..
walaupun dia ibarat Lebah, umpama Bunga Ros, seperti Air, bak Bulan, seperti Lembu, tak ubah macam Durian dan macam Biskut....
dia tetap KAWAN...

Ingatlah Sahabat....Persahabatan ibarat janji yang dibuat di dalam hati...ianya tidak dapat ditulis..apatah lagi untuk dibaca...namun ianya tak akan terpisah dek jarak masa dan ketika....Sekali kita bersahabat ianya kekal selamanya....

kekal abadi selamanya...

Siti-2 yang patut DICONTOHI

1) Siti Khadijah

- Beliau merupakan isteri Rasulullah s.a.w yg melahirkan anak2 Rasulullah,
setia dan menyokong Rasulullah walaupun ditentang hebat oleh org2 kafir dan
musyrik, menghantarkan makanan kpd Baginda ketika Baginda beribadat di Gua

2) Siti Fatimah

- Anak Rasulullah yg tinggi budi pekertinya. Sangat kasih dan setia kpd
suaminya Ali karamallahu wajhah walaupun Ali miskin. Tidur berkongsikan 1
bantal dan kdg2 berbantalkan lengan Ali. Rasulullah pernah b'kata aku takkan
maafkan kamu wahai Fatimah sehinggalah Ali maafkan kamu.

3) Siti A'ishah

- Beliau isteri Rasulullah yg paling romantik. Sanggup berkongsi bekas
makanan dan minuman dgn Rasulullah. Di mana Nabi s.a.w minum di situ beliau
akan minum menggunakan bekas yg sama.

4) Siti Hajar

- Isteri Nabi Ibrahim yg patuh kpd suami dan suruhan Allah. Sanggup
ditinggalkan oleh Nabi Ibrahim atas suruhan Allah demi kebaikan. Berjuang
mencari air utk anaknya Nabi Ismail (Pengorbanan seorg ibu mithali).

5) Siti Mariam

- Wanita suci yg mmg pandai menjaga kehormatan diri dan mempunyai maruah yg
tinggi sehingga rahimnya dipilih oh Allah s.w.t utk mengandungkan Nabi Isa.

6) Siti Asiah'

- Isteri Firaun yg tinggi imannya dan tidak gentar dgn ujian yg dihadapinya
drpd Firaun Laknatullah.

7) Siti Aminah

- Wanita mulia yg menjadi ibu kandung Rasullullah. Mendidik baginda menjadi
insan mulia.

8) Siti Muti'ah

- Isteri yg patut dicontohi dan dijanjikan Allah syurga untuknya kerana
setianya kpd suami, menjaga makan minum, menyediakan tongkat utk dipukul
oleh suaminya sekiranya layanannya tidak memuaskan hati, berhias dgn cantik
utk tatapan suaminya sahaja.

9 ) Siti Zubaidah

- Wanita kaya dermawan yg menjadi isteri Khalifah Harun Al-Rashid. Sanggup
membelanjakan semua hartanya utk membina terusan utk kegunaan org ramai
hanya niat kerana Allah s.w.t.

December 23, 2010


yeah result day! and i was like super insane on tht day ;O .Alhamdulillah, i statisfied with my result. even it might not seems well on ppl thought but alhamdulillah it is accordingly with my efforts. yes i do take a lesson on this day. 'Who strives, he will succeed' seems like really affect me :O .yes i do regret now but it is not useful anymore aight? Haih regret now D;

December 22, 2010




December 21, 2010

Kenapa lelaki menangis?

Air mata lelaki sangat berharga. Mahal. Jikapun pernah tumpah, genangannnya disembunyikan. Tak semurah air mata perempuan. Bila lelaki menangis, hati perempuan saya selalu tersentuh. Mereka makhluk keras dan tegar.Entah kenapa saya merasakan mereka nampak comel dan manis apabila mereka mula menangis.

Sebagai seorang perempuan, saya sangat biasa melihat kaum sejenis saya menangis sehingga tidak ada rasa hairan.Tetapi jika dapat melihat lelaki menangis, saya akan memerhati dengan hairan. Terasa ingin mengetahui isi hati seorang lelaki.Kenapa lelaki menangis?

1. Kehilangan orang-orang yang disayangi kerana kematian. Lelaki jarang menunjukkan rasa lemahnya. Mungkin bimbang sifat maskulinnya akan pudar. Tetapi, sekuat manapun seorang lelaki pasti akan rasa sedih jika isteri,anak-anak,atau ibu bapanya pergi dahulu sebelum dia.

2. Apabila sesuatu hubungan terputus di tengah jalan. Siapa cakap lelaki tak ada perasaan apabila perempuan idamannya minta putus atau berubah hati. Sesetengah lelaki memang tak pandai menunjukkan perasaan seperti perempuan yang akan menulis status di FB atau Twitternya jika hubungan mereka dengan kekasih retak menanti belah. Lelaki lebih gemar bersikap sembunyi-sembunyi. Tetapi siapa tahu, dalam diam dia menangis seorang diri di dalam bilik.

3.Gagal menjalankan tanggungjawabnya sebagai seorang lelaki.Lelaki yang bertanggungjawab akan merasa tercabar sekiranya dia gagal memberikan nafkah kepada isteri atau anak-anaknya. Dia akan berusaha sedaya upaya memberikan yang terbaik untuk keluarga dan jika dia gagal itu boleh jadi penyebab dia menangis.

4.Bergaduh atau berselisih faham dengan isteri. Seorang lelaki bernama suami mungkin akan mengalirkan air mata jika isteri bersikap tidak ambil peduli atau tidak tahu menahu tentang keperluan perasaan mereka. Lelaki mungkin seorang yang ego tetapi kadang-kadang dia sanggup mengalah dalam sesuatu perhubungan kerana rasa cintanya yang mendalam pada isteri.

5.Melihat anak atau isteri menderita sakit. Lelaki punya hati yang keras dan tak mudah dipecah tetapi bila diuji Tuhan dengn menimpakan penyakit berbahaya kepada orang-orang yang disayangi dan dia melihat penderitaan itu setiap hari, tidak mustahil seorang lelaki akan menangis seperti anak kecil.

6.Terharu dan terlalu gembira sehingga mengalirkan air mata kesyukuran. Lelaki yang pernah menangis untuk hal-hal seperti ini adalah lelaki yang berhati lembut dan sensitif. Persis seorang perempuan tetapi tetap tidak mengurangkan sifat maskulinnya. Dia mungkin seorang yang keras di luar tetapi sangat lembut di dalam.

7.Gagal dalam pelajaran atau kerjaya. Menangis dan membunuh diri. Baiklah. Ini ditulis kerana saya terpengaruh dengan cerita 3 Idiots. Tetapi, tidak mustahil lelaki akan menangis disebabkan kegagalannya dalam bidang yang dia ceburi. Lelaki juga adalah manusia biasa yang ada perasaan. Bukan perempuan saja yang boleh menangis disebabkan faktor ini.

Mungkin ada faktor-faktor lain 'Kenapa Lelaki Menangis' atau mungkin faktor yang saya senaraikan di atas tidak relevan pada sesestengah lelaki. Saya cuma seorang perempuan. Pandai menduga tetapi tidak mampu merasa sebenar-benar perasaan seorang lelaki.

Telusuri kembali kisah-kisah lelaki hebat pada zaman Rasulullah s.a.w dan para sahabat. Mereka menangis kerana takutkan Allah. Mereka lelaki hebat yang menangis kerana menghayati makna bacaan Al Quran.Menangis jika tidak dapat melaksankan perintah Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Dan dalam dunia akhir zaman yang kita lalui sekarang, jika masih ada lelaki seperti itu, mereka adalah lelaki yang benar-benar hebat. Adakah anda lelaki itu? Hati seorang lelaki akan menjawabnya.

- dipetik dari blog "Sidratul Muntaha" -


assalamualaikum classmates ,

ThankYou classmates, I mean best-est friends. Thanks for all through this 2008-2010. Thanks for all the unforgetable memories with you guys. My life so perfect through this 3years with you guys. We laughed, smiled, cried, fight, study and all we go through together. Yes, 2008-2010 gave a greatest memory to me. Thanks for everything guys. Unlimited sorry for all the mistakes. May our upoming life will be much better and bless by Him. Amin. I will never ever forget Cekalians ('08 - '10). All of you stick in my mind forever. Goodluck for the life, and one's again, THANKS! -P:s, IloveyouguysforeverCekal!!! <333

                                                                                           budak cekal,


December 17, 2010

I miss this human being 
Like seriously
And I mean it... 

Result oh Result

On this day,

I pray to Allah that I wanna see this kind of face on my parents,

no this kind,

I really hope that He will answer my doa, really hope...

December 16, 2010

What us actually ?



lebih gembira menyambut 1hb. Januari daripada 1 Muharram.

lebih tahu apa itu 14 Februari daripada 12 Rabiulawal.

lebih membesarkan hari Sabtu dan Ahad daripada hari Jumaat.

lebih khusyuk mendengar lagu daripada mendengar azan.

lebih suka lepak, tidur, tengok tv daripada sembahyang.

lebih suka menyebut helo atau hai daripada Assalamualaikum.

lebih suka menyanyi daripada berwirid atau bertasbih.

lebih suka memuji manusia daripada Tuhan kita sendiri.

kita sebenarnya lebih suka membaca majalah daripada buku-buku agama dan al-quran.

lebih suka pergi ke konsert daripada ceramah agama.

lebih suka memaki,mengumpat orang daripada mendoakan dan menasihati mereka.

lebih suka mencarut daripada menyebut MasyaAllah.

lebih suka kemungkaran daripada berbuat kebaikan.

lebih bangga dengan kejahilan kita daripada bersyukur dengankeimanan kita.

lebih cintakan urusan dunia daripada urusan akhirat.

tapi, bila ada orang tanya arah tujuan kita,
kita lebih suka menjawab..

lebih suka menuju ke syurga daripada neraka...


December 15, 2010

Good & half-Good news

The good news is....

Yeah alhamdulillah I got that offer from SMTPD :)  i'll take it insyallah but if the offer from kisas or mrsm also come, i'll consider one of them first lah for sure :D btw, Alhamdulillah Dia mendengar doa saya, Alhamdulillah...

and the half-good news is....

yupp guys! its on 23rd and i was like this in front of my lappy ----> ;O
hm, hope Allah memakbulkan doa ku utk memberikan sekuntum bahagia di muka mama abah sebaik melihat keputusan cemerlang ku :') Insyallah. 5a's above pun aku dah bersyukur gila! Tolongah aku Ya Allah.......

December 14, 2010

Allah selamatkan Mak~

She's my grandma. I mean superb greaaaat grandma ;) But all her grandchilds used to call her 'Mak' :D  She's a superwoman! Why? It's because she able to done a lot of things in once such cooking, jaga cucu, watch indonesian story, membasuh(manually tau) and so on in a time! Ahmaaaaazing huh? Yeah i know it man! and Im so proud that she is my grandma :) no human being can ever replace her, I Love You & Happy 64th birthday Mak! semoga Allah panjangkan umur mak sampai tgk Nina kawen hehe, May Allah always bless this wonderful woman. Aminn :)


The many things you've done 
All the times you were there
Help me know deep down inside
How much you really care

Even though I might not say
I appreciate all you do
Richly blessed is how I feel
Having a grandmother just like you  


miss 'em D';

So suddenly, I miss them so badly ;'(  The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected. for 3years long we have been together! OMG, I don't know if I can swallow this separation :'( Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together?  I guess that wouldn't work.  Someone would leave.  Someone always leaves.  Then we would have to say goodbye.  I hate goodbyes. I know what I need. I need more hellos. Oh my... :"((

Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not all still friends :')

*Cekal '10 forever in my heart :")

December 13, 2010

plenty facts of JBiebs ;)

Yeah i know! all my recent entry its alot about Jbiebs<3 but who cares? Im crazy of him lately so do read if you feel like wanna read okay ;)

JBiebs facts :

Full Name: Justin Drew Bieber
Favorite Food: Spaghetti & Meatballs
Favorite Drink: Orange Juice
Height: 5'4
Shoe size: 7
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Number: 6
Birthday: March 1’st, 1994
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Dream Duet: He would like to do a duet with Beyonce!


• Justin weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces when he was born
• Justin’s favorite TV show is Smallville
• Justin brushes his teeth in the shower
• Justin prefers a Mac over a PC
• Justin loves Twix
• Justin has 2 half siblings named, Jazmyn and Jaxon Bieber.
• Justin got his dog tag from a fan
• Christian Beadles is in his music video for “Eenie Meenie”
• Justin’s dad plays guitar, and his mom sings
• Justin is single and ready to mingle
• Justin prays, and thanks God for everything he has accomplished before every performance
• Justin would rather wear a sweat shirt then anything else
• Justin’s zodiac sign is a Pisces
• Justin has a 4.0 GPA
• Justin’s first kiss was at age 13
• Justin plays basket ball every time he comes to NYC
• Justin’s best subjects are math and English
• Justin’s dog is a Pappillion
• Justin can solve a rubix cube in under a minute
• Justin is Left Handed
• Justin’s favorite shoe brand is Supra
• It takes Justin 20 – 30 minutes to get ready every morning
• Justin’s favorite candy is sour patch kids
• Justin has both of his albums on the top 5 list
• Jasmine V is in Justin’s music video Eenie Meenie
• Justin’s perfect girl is a girl with a great personality, a sense of humor, a nice smile, and pretty eyes
• Justin hates ugg shoes
• Justin’s fave valentines candy is Hershey kisses
• Justin’s favorite first date place is the beach
• Justin’s favorite chick flick is The Notebook
• Justin’s favorite song that he wrote is Down to Earth
• Justin loves to play his Xbox 360
• Justin’s favorite soda is Sprite
• Justin’s favorite chips are Doritos
• Justin’s favorite date restaurant is King’s Buffet
• Justin’s major influences are Boyz to Men, Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder
• Justin had his first date when he was 13
• Justin played hockey, basketball, golf and soccer
• Justin has many nicknames…some are JB, JBiebs, Bieber Cash, J-cutie, Justin Biebs, Biebs
• Justin’s mom makes him take vitamins every morning
• Justin has 2 posters of himself on his wall of his room
• Justin doesn’t care what a girl wears as long as she is comfortable in it.
• Justin’s weirdest gift from a fan was a rubber golf club with the girl’s #’s on it
• If Justin could have a super power, he would want to have the ability to fly
• Justin loves Italian food
• Justin thinks girls are prettier with no makeup on.
• Justin loves McDonald’s
• Every times Justin goes to McDonald’s, he orders a big mac, and Iced Tea
• Justin thinks roller coasters are fun, but they sometimes make him sick
• Justin’s favorite toothpaste is Colgate
• Justin loves vanilla cake
• Justin sang the first part of We Are The World – 25 year remake
• Justin sang the last part of the song WAVING FLAG – which was also for Haiti
• Justin thinks of Taylor Swift as a big sister
• When Justin is nervous he fixes his hair constantly
• Justin tries to take 1 day out of the week to chill and relax
• When Justin was rehearsing on Lopez Tonight, he slipped on stage
• Justin’s favorite cereal is Captain Crunch Berries
• Justin’s favorite hockey team is the Toronto Maple Leafs
• Justin is shy around girls he likes
• Justin doesn’t want to go out with any girls that only like him because he’s famous, he wants them to like him for what is in inside.
• Justin’s favorite Mexican foods are Quesadillas
• Justin wears an invisalign retainer
• Justin LOVES Chuck Norris and his quotes
• Justin’s all time favorite sport is ice hockey
• Justin’s signature color is purple
• Justin has never had braces
• Justin never thought he would become famous over youtube.
• Justin is the youngest artist (since Stevie Wonder) to have an album #1 on the charts
• Justin has a MacBook Pro
• He was flashed before by 3 crazy fans
• Justin’s hair flip is to the right
• Justin has a beauty mark under his left eye
• Justin only weighs 110 pounds
• The first song he ever wrote was called “Common Denominator”.
• His best friend’s are Ryan Butler & Christian Beadles & Chaz Somers
• He Is from originally from Canada.
• He started his singing career on Youtube.
• He has a scar under his right eye from when a branch hit him in the face while hiking with his friends.
• His first single was one time.
• His second single was one less lonely girl.
• His third single was love me.
• His fourth single was Favorite girl, which was dedicated to Taylor Swift.
• The chorus Love me was originally sung by The Cardigans, titled Lovefool.
• His friend Ryan Butler is the the One Time Video.
• He has a dog called sam.
• He plays the drums, guitar, piano, keyboard and trumpet.
• He has been playing the drums since he was two.
• He has been playing the trumpet since 7th grade.
• He is going to appear on True Jackson VP, on Nickelodeon.
• Both Justin Timberlake and Usher wanted to sign Justin up for a record contract.
• He recorded most of his album in atlanta
• His favorite slang term from Atlanta is “shawty.”
• His dad plays guitar, and his mom sings.
• He likes to play soccer.
• He likes Vitamin Water.
• He loves tacos.
• He was born in Stratford, Ontario, Canada.
• Beyonce is his celebrity crush.
• His first album is going to be called My World
• My world is in 2 parts. Part 1 was released on the 17th November 2009.
• Part 2 was released on the 23rd March 2010.
• He is putting golden tickets in some of the albums. They are for a private show with you and your friends.
• My World Features Guest Vocals from Usher
• He Is Claustrophobic.
• The worst thing he ever did was when he snuck out at night, saying he was going out for a bike ride, but the police brought him back!
• He hates going in elevators.
• If he wants something, he puts on a puppy dog face.
• Hes speaks fluent french
• Justin joined youtube on January 15, 2007
• Justin’s parents separated when he was 2
• Justin sometimes googles himself
• Justin hopes to do more acting in his future years
• Justin’s favorite pie is apple pie
• Justin is homeschooled
• Justin’s favorite romantic movie is A Walk To Remember
• Justin loves to do drum solos during performances
• When Justin dances he sticks his tongue out
• Justin loves covering Usher songs, Justin Timberlake songs, and NE-YO songs
• Justin hates waking up early
• Justin has a very close relationship with his mom, and thinks she is his #1 fan
• Justin’s favorite song on My World 2.0 is UP
• Justin still thinks of himself as a normal teenager
• Justin loves the song Pants on the Ground, and sings it every time he has the chance to!
• Justin got a Range Rover from Usher for his 16th birthday
• Justin’s best experience so far was singing to the president
• Justin has a double black belt
• Justin is very close with Sean Kingston and recorded eenie meenie with him, while staying at his house
• Justin’s mom had him when she was 17 years old
• Justin’s swagger coach is really is stylist who, as he says, teaches him “swaggerific things”
• Justin likes to play pool
• When Justin is around his friends, they always get competitive
• Justin says he gets about 20,000 dms every day
• Justin would date anyone (including a fan)
• Justin said he could take down any Jonas Brother by himself
• Justin doesn’t put any hair products in his hair
• Justin is very close to his crew, and considers them his family
• Justin considers his fans as family, but an extended family
• Justin has been with Scooter for over 3 years now
• When Justin gets nervous on stage, he keeps on switching the mic from hand to hand
• When Justin hears his song on the radio, he turns it down
• Justin thinks Selena Gomez is a cutie and a great friend
• Justin’s favorite toy as a child was a Buzz Lightyear.
• Justin used to get nightmares while watching Scooby Doo.

- written especially for those BELIEBERS like meee :D -

December 9, 2010

Never Say Never Movie Trailer belieberssss


This is AWWWESOMEEEEE!!! i was like ARGGHHHHHHH, OMG OMG OMG! when i saw this movie trailer in theater to watch Narnia (it's AWESOMEE!) !! Yeaaahhhh, absolutely gonna see this! ARGGHH CAN'T WAIT AHHH! Justin!! Im just got a lil bicrazier over you!!! I LOIKEEEE YOU JUSTINNNNNN!!!  CAN'T WAIT CAN'T WAICAN'T WAIT! haha


December 7, 2010

congratulation & Happy New Hijri Year 1432 !


Abang Buzz & Kakak 'baru' Buzz,

Just a note to say how happy I am for you. Wishing you a lifetime of the greatest joy, love, and happiness. Congratulations to a wonderful couple!  


Wishes Happy New Hijri Year 1432 to all Muslims all ovethe world :)

mayou all have a successful an prosperous new hijri year 

December 6, 2010

esok :)


she's the best i ever had ;D thanks a lot for that precious favor babe! I'll wear it tomorrow eh! tomorrow gonna be a superb greaaaaaaat day !!  very the can't wait!!!   Papaiyy! ;)

December 4, 2010

Selamat Hari Lahir saaayang :)

Happy Birthday to you, you live in a zoo, you smell like a monkey, and you look like one too. Hahaha xD

Special birthday song for you budak haha, jk jk ;D
Two tips on your birthday:
1) Forget the past, you can't change it.
2) Forget the present, I didn't get you one. haha

Happy birthday Ekaa, may this day always be a special one to remember. 

p/s : I'm so lucky to have a friend like you.  Thank you for your friendship through out all of the years and all the very best of luck in everything you do sayang.  Happy Birthday! ;D  -NINA-


attention! for those who have a boyfriend or currently being in a relationship, do not read this entry! might hurthe feelings ;D

Boyfriend. common thing that do not have to be explain.  there're a few friends of mine who always mentioned about their boyfriends. it seems like 'boyfriend' is something to show off about. some even call their 'supportive' friends in the middle of the night  just to complain about their 'devoted' boyfriend, telling me that their boyfriend hadn’t call them yet. i mean, should i give a damn about it?

well, as for me, i've been through times of failures in relationships and broke down whenever i broke up. but for sure, they'll be no longer exist in my mind once i found a new one. HAHA. i'll never take those things serious. i ain't gonna weep all day long just because of breaking up with some stupid jerks! and hell, committing suicide is not in my mind either. trust me people, sometimes, boyfriend sucks. that means, don't blame yourself if he breaks you up. find other guys and play it like you're having awesome time. and most of all, forget about him completely.

okay, obviously we're taking about some gender stereotypes here. research tells us that there's always someone who's more tolerant and desirous in intimate communication. usually it's the woman, but not always. same goes to guys, they are usually tolerant but not always. so it's fair enough as long as there's someone who's willing to sacrifice in a relationship. right? 

but, what if both guys and girls don't wanna tolerant anymore? what if guys and girls are both ego? this kind of relationship will only last for one day or two. this is not a joke people, i've experienced it. 

the reason why i can't stand boyfriend any longer is because he has such a short fuse that even a little piece of friendly advice sets him off. he's too sensitive. it's like i have to be careful for every single words i was about to say. it's just too terrible and i'll go nuts if i continued.

the second thing i hate about guys is, they love to break their promises. be realistic with what you can and can't deliver on, i ain't gonna eat you if you didn't promise me! 'promise' is a big-big word. don't make a promise if you can't keep it. no one likes it when expectations are high just to later be let down by another. don't you feel annoyed when guys break plans till the very last minute?

look, i have a bad temper. 

third, i hate it when my boyfriend hanging out alone with a girl who’s not a family member. let’s face it, at one point or another you had a crush on your girl best friend or vice versa. it’s no wonder that girls have problems believing that guys and girls can just be platonic friends. i just couldn't accept my boyfriend hanging out with another girl 'cause i'm totally not anout-going-person.

it's more unfair when he's not letting me go into his world. perhaps a lil privacy will do, but don't keep everything secret. at least, tell me something. if he's serious to me, he'll include me in his world thus showing that i'm one of his priorities. and if I’m important to him, I’d think he’d want me to be part of everything else in his life that’s important. so, he's not serious to me at all.

here's some advices on how to identify jerk guys. test him with the simplest math equation. if he didn't answer your question within 3 seconds, he's hiding something from you or maybe his math is just too sucks. xD

so girls, dump your boyfriend whenever you feel like to. remember girls, dump him before he dumped you. this is for the sake of yourself. you'll lose your self-esteem once he breaks you up but if you're the one who breaks him up, at least you'll not be like a hard-core. at the same time, he'll feel so guilty that he wouldn't want to forgive himself. but, make sure that he's not deciding to commit suicide. or else, you'll be the next victim of the lotus eater. crap. xD

as a conclusion, SINGLE IS BETTER.
it's enjoyable and most of all, you can do whatever you want to. doesn't it fun?

November 30, 2010

Interview dayyy -,-


30/11/2010, last day of October 2010, I was on interview at Smt PD at Lukut, PD. first first mmg lah nervous but afta gotta spirit from beloved parents I was like OKE, I AM SEDIAAAAA haha,

our day starts at peaceful 7.30 a.m :) bertolak from home sweat home haha, Ampang. abah drive drive drive, aku tido tido tido tahu tahu dah sampai R&R untuk apa lagi, mencekik lah haha or dikenali sbg breakfast :) lepas memenuhi kehendak perut sambungggg journey......

finally arrived lepas sesat ntah kat mana mana ntah, sume pasal aku lah yg buta map ni, mama pun haha. panas je abah ;DD sampai je amek number masuk kena interview, kena baca al-fatihah then apa apa lah lagi dia ask then alhamdulillah selesai juga :)

abah ajak balik lah, apa ni abah relax dulu. jalan jalan pantai jum! semua ON apa lagi sampai pantai aku and mama model, abah photographer lah cs Iphone dia punya haha. dah jalan jalan benti makan kt kedai makan lauk lauk kampung N9, terbaekkkkkkkkkkkkkk! sedap gila masak lomak cili api jang oi! haha

sekali sekala berjalan jalan ngn mama abah sbg 'anak tunggal' bes jugaaaaaaaaa haha, apa nak semua dapat. thnks so muchhhhhhhhhh mama abah fr the whole day. love u all forevaaaaaaaaaaaa oke <333

*p/s : jumaat ni Mrsm test pula, mmg interview week lah minggu ni -,- doakan saya ya kawan kawan :) byebye !

November 26, 2010

experience with GUITARS


yes its me! Im backkkkk with plenty of feelings mixed together :(  biasaalah, mmg sedih nk tinggalkan UKM yg left me 1001 lebih experience through my time there. Sumpah mmg best sana. makan free, yuran free, tidoq free, naik bus free, dpt msuk tv (tu yg penting) haha and eeeeeeeverything best lah sng ckp. And and yg paling penting, my dream nak main guitar tercapai! eventhough just main 2 tali and 6 note je aku dah bersyukur gila! sebelum ni pun harapan jelah nk maain gitar last last dpt mcm ni punya best experience main guitar ramai ramai ngn 1000 lebih org guitarist hang pa tao! and aku berpeluang ddk ngn pro plak tu. mntk dia mainkan lagu yg aku idamkan, JUST THE WAY YOU ARE. satu lagu impian tercapai. kira byk lah impian yg tercapai dtg sini.

muka baru sampai :)

suasana belajar guitar haha

DECTA yg akan dirindui :(

Masjid Universiti <3

abg BATMAN, hidangan mata aku haha

Rehersal !!

our performnce!!!

Hari hari kitorg practise mcm biasa lah, cuma yg membezkannya experience and ilmu yg kitaorg dpt pd hari hari tersebut. nak cerita mmg tak hbis lah kan haha. cuma hari performance penat sikit balik pun dh lambat. nsib baik ada abg LO yg baik hati tumpangkan kitaorg balik kolej yg berkilo kilo meter jauhnya tu haha.

Tapi hari nak balik mmg tak best, dgn kena kejar monyet time tggu bas. mmg bodoh lah monyet ni! Time nk balik dewan dh tak ramai mcm selalu :( no more crowded, no more riuh rendah dgn shuffle and senamrobik, no more bunyi gitar merata tempat, no more... dewan suram sgt :((  mmg sedih :'(

Btw, Alhamdulillah semua berjalan lancar. This is the best-est ever had ! Thanks semua :)